Valentines Day

I’ve got two tests tomorrow and an essay to write but somehow i find myself distracted by thoughts of pink hearts and roses.You guessed it, valentines day. It’s that time of year again. February 14th is just a couple days away! usually, the holiday comes and goes without any excitement on my behalf. Typically I’d hit up the gym and work on my homework because this year February fourteenth falls on a Tuesday, and that is all. I’d roll my eyes at the sappy posts and cliche gifts, including teddy bears, jewelry, and flowers, all of which I never quite understood. The whole idea just sounds really depressing, don’t you think? Putting so much pressure on one night. Receiving beautiful flowers only to put them in a vase and watch them slowly become less and less vibrant until they die altogether. If someone were to have told me that in a years time I’d be one of those giddy girls daydreaming over the idea of it, I would have laughed in their face. But here I am. 2017. the first year that i have my very own valentine and i couldn’t be more excited. My current boyfriend of six months and i will be celebrating valentines day and im hoping more than anything for a single rose. Something about one rose just seems so romantic to the new love drunk me. The only issue us i haven’t gotten him anything yet and i only have two days left! what do boys even like for valentines day? leave a comment below! Alright i should seriously start my homework now, logging off


Poetry Parody

I was feeling poetic, so I decided to put a twist on the poem “If Only you Were Not my God” and secretly dedicate it to my crush🙈. The line “If only he were not my god” was evolved from set poem while the rest is 100% me. I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to comment! I’d love to hear what you all think! So, without further ado…

If only he were not my god

Maybe I wouldn’t feel so self-aware.

determined to inveigle myself upon him

with only the devious intention of bewitching desire.


Maybe I wouldn’t be flustered by his simplest of actions,

Overemphasizing his so called perfection.

Analyzing actions that to others might be considered typical,

monotonous even.


If only he were not my god

Perhaps I could focus less on the structure of his jaw

And more on the task at hand.

Possibly, I’d spend less time admiring the allure of his smile,

Allowing me to concentrate on my own ambitions.


And still, I’d willingly give up everything I know

If only for the chance to hold his beauty in my heart

For he is everything in this world,

And I have found a world within him.


If only he were not my god

Dear: Grandmother

Recently I’ve done a few other “Dear ____” posts including ‘Dear: Future Daughter’ and ‘Dear: Future Generations Teenage Girls’, both of which I enjoyed writing very much so. Today, I’m continuing the trend with yet another post entitled ‘Dear: Grandmother’. Let me know if you enjoy these types of posts and if so suggest a possible recipient! I’d love to hear from you guys. Anyways, without further ado

Dear: Grandmother (or mam as I call you)

Firstly, I’d like to clear up the name difference for all the readers out there. When my older brother was a baby; he couldn’t pronounce ‘nan’. So instead, he called our grandmother ‘mam’. I guess it just sort of caught on. Not that It’s overly important or anything, I just like the name. I feel like it captures her uniqueness from all the other grandmothers in the world because believe me, she’s one of a kind. Okay let’s try this again

Dear: Mam,

Over the years of my life, you’ve done so much for me, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I mean sure I thank you when you bring me cough drops and cook me soup, or when you comfort me at my worst of times, (typical grandma stuff), but I feel as if there are so many things that have gone unrecognized.First of all, I want to thank you for always stocking the refrigerator. Because let’s face it, when was the last time I ever left your house hungry? (It’s more likely that I leave with an armful of baked goods, and my belt in my hand. ) Thank you for your abundance of creams, each for different purposes, but all  leaving traces of the familiar scent I remember so vividly. Thank you for tucking me in at night and always giving me happy things to dream about. Thank you for our addition to “nighty night, don’t let the bed bugs bite”… “and if they do, take off your shoe, and beat them till their black and blue”. To this day, that always puts a smile on my face. Thank you for our early morning swims in the lake. We’d get stares from neighbors as we swam mid-October (you always had a thing about swimming until your birthday despite the cold). Speaking of birthdays, you have still yet to tell me your age. But one thing I can assure you is that any woman over the age of 70 that dives into the ocean with her granddaughter every year on January 1rst is unbelievable. You taught me to be unapologetically quirky, and that is the thing I admire most about you. Thank you for refusing to be another gray haired, card playing granny. Your fierceness is undeniable, and you are without a doubt the most independent woman I have yet to meet. You’re the only woman I know that carries bear mase in her purse, and I think that is pretty badass. Thank you for our traditional cookies we made together. Thank you for the time I forgot to put the beater down and cookie mix coated the kitchen completely. You didn’t yell and scream at me. Instead, you laughed, (a laugh that was so beautiful and carefree). You then licked the cookie dough from your  finger, and we proceeded to clean up eating 99% of the mix in the process. Thank you for “farmer in the dell” which we used to sing and dance to on a daily basis. Thank you for hiding me in your basement when my parents got a divorce. Slipping meals under the door when you knew I didn’t feel like talking, and letting me cry into your shoulder when I finally broke the silence. Thank you for new years eves, all 13 consecutive, when we’d paint our nails and watch bad movies betting on whether or not I’d make it to midnight.We’d celebrate at 12:00, and I’d be out like a light by 12:01. Thank you for mamma mia, the CD that I, to this day immediately pop in the second I climb into your car. And lastly, thank you for being my best friend; Someone I could and did tell everything to. Thank you for being the closest thing to a motherly figure I ever had in my life. You did a great job at practically raising me, although you had lots of practice with your four sons. My point is, you’re pretty inspiring, and I appreciate all of the little and big things you have done for me over the past fifteen years of my life. I hope someday I’ll grow up to be as carefree as you are, Rock on mam.


Dear: future generation teenage girls 👭👭👭

This post is targeted towards the younger Audience and is based solely from personal experiences and lessons I’ve learned. I wish someone would have told me these things when I was your age, but looking back, figuring it out on my own wasn’t all that bad. 

Growing up. We all do it but in today’s society it seems as if we’re all concerned with acting older than we actually are. Don’t do that. There will be plenty of time for this when you actually are old and believe me, one day you will miss your innocence that you wished away. 

As much as we like to think we know everything, we don’t. I hope you listen to your parents (yes I know it’s a cliche thing to say), but it’s true. I hope you don’t waste the time you have with your parents arguing about the small stuff and wishing you could move out. Be grateful for them, and respect their rules. They love you more than you could ever know, and are only trying to do what’s best for you.

Speaking of being grateful of your parents, I hope you trust your mom and dad when it comes to boys. I never had a mom for this but for some reason, parents can almost always spot a fake friend or bad boyfriend before you realize. (Which for the record is almost always too late.)

When you experience your first heartbreak I hope instead of speaking negatively about this boy for the rest of your life you instead thank him for the experience and life lesson. “Tell the boy who broke your heart that he was a great stepping stone towards your future life partner” 

While we’re on the topic of ‘not speaking negatively’, I hope you chose your words carefully when talking to others; especially other girls. I pray that you use your words to empower other girls rather than to tear them down. 

It’s your first day of high school, remember this. High school has some tough times and many people who will try to distract you from reaching your goals.   I hope that you can see through these people. And instead of steeping to the level of society and popularity, I hope you do your homework and take pride in your intelligence. Because after high school, the word popularity means nothing. 

I hope that you don’t spend hours perfecting your hair and make up to live up to the standards of society or to impress a boy. Darling, you’re so young and beautiful. Let the world see your Imperfections; without them you wouldn’t be you. 

I hope that you dress with class and that you don’t spend money on trends just because everyone else is. Respect the value of a dollar bill and wear what makes you feel beautiful. I hope that you respect your body. Tell that boy who wants your body and only your body that you have morals. Don’t feel pressured to do something, if you aren’t sure chances are it’s not right. Say no. 

I hope you play with Barbies, littlest pet shops, and TomaGochie’s. I hope you have fun, smile and laugh uncontrollably. I hope you play sports and sing and dance like nobody’s watching. I hope you love yourself. But most importantly I hope you live your childhood to its fullest rather than wishing it away, because one day you’ll grow up. And it will hit you; you won’t be daddies little girl anymore, you’ll be moving out and going to college, and that’s scary. Dear future generation teenage girls; please take this advice. Good luck and I love you all



Judging. We all do it. It’s one of those involuntarily things we do without even thinking about it. However how we treat those whom we judge is entirely up to us.

Last night I met a boy at an awful party. The entire night I was offered mixed drinks and grotesque pick up lines and all I wanted to do was go home. A boy vomitted emptying the contents of his stomach into the floor.

 I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around expecting yet another red eyed staggering boy looking for some action, but what I saw was a genuinely concerned boy who was neither of the two. He must have seen the annoyance that appeared on my face for a split second because he immediately said “sorry to bother you” he had thin blonde hair which resembled a mop. He continued “you seem to be the only other person here who isn’t completely intoxicated, did you see what just happened to him? He was supposed to be my drive home.” He pointed to the vomit boy who was now sprawled over a lawn chair with his head in a garbage can. As he turned to point I couldn’t help notice his pants that were undoubtedly tighter than mine. I pegged him as a punk rock kind of guy who probably played guitar. My suspicion was confirmed when he turned back to me exposing his black shirt designed with lyrics to a song written by a band I had briefly heard about on Facebook. I explained to him what had happened and I figured that would be the end of our conversation, we were not compatible whatsoever. But then he smiled at me, like genuinely smiled and asked “what’s your name?” For the first time that night I was happy to offer up information about myself. “I’m Charlie” i held out me hand and he took it “Stephen he responded.” I smiled, “nice to meet you Stephen.” 

For the next two hours we stood in 
conversation not a single awkward silence or confrontation. Occasionally we would be interrupted by he stupidity of intoxicated boys. One especially drunk boy interrupted to ask Stephen about  guitar strings and he seemed very knowledgeable. His friends hollered ‘ladies man’and ‘skin hound’ as we talked. The embarrassment on his face was clear as he explained to me that his friends did not understand the concept of conversation outside of flirting. I understand the reality of this, being a friendly conversationalist all to well. We ended up exchanging phone numbers and although I may have been right about his music preference and instrument choice, I never would have thought to talk to him. I learned a valuable lesson about looking beyond the surface of a person. What do you guys think about judgement? Tell me your thoughts or about a time you have judged someone or even a time you had felt judged yourself. Have an amazing evening-AnonymouslyRelatable

My Thoughts on Dating

Hey guys! It’s been a while but thanks for sticking with me and not giving up on my extremely inactive blog whoever is reading this (if anyone is reading this). I could vent to you and blame my abstinence on the stress of high school. I could complain about the overload of assignments, projects, and tests making it feel as if their isn’t even time to breathe. We all know that feeling. we all come here to escape that feeling, so today I’m going to do just that.

So, you might ask; “Charlie, why is the name of this post ‘My Thoughts on Dating’ if you’re talking about school?”. Great question. You see, my thoughts are kind of all over the place if you haven’t noticed, and therefore I tend to get sidetracked. Oops, I did it again. So, if you have made it through this seemingly never ending intro, I now present to you my long spiel on the subject of -yes you guessed it- ‘Dating‘.hold my hand

Dating. It’s so simple yet so complicated. just think about it for a second. Two people decide that they like each other, no that they like-like each other, and then bam; they date. but why? you could meet a new person the next day, you could fall in love, but you miss out on that opportunity by limiting yourself to one person! And were so young! I’m speaking from my own perspective, a fifteen year old girl who’s never had a boyfriend. I’m sort of weird that way. I mean I like boys and I wish and hope that they like me back, but I never really consider actually dating someone, or having a boyfriend. And to be honest, I’m actually pretty scared to be in a relationship, because I’m always changing my mind. I’m growing up, having new experiences, meeting new people. My thoughts are constantly changing. If I dated someone, I’d want it to be for a long time(isn’t that the whole point?) , and I don’t know if I’d be able to maintain a happy relationship with a  person, when experiencing so many new emotions and thoughts. And it goes both ways! I’m beyond terrified that I’d meet someone , date them, even fall for them, and then they would change their mind. what kind of fear is that? I guess I’m afraid of being left. I’m afraid of betrayal, loneliness, and heartbreak. I’m afraid of not being good enough, and having to face that person for the rest of my life. That person who fell out of love with me leaving me wondhsmering why I wasn’t good enough. So I leave relationships without a label, because then if something happens, I can always tell myself “well, we weren’t even dating, so it doesn’t matter.”, which now that I think of it is even worse. Having a fear of relationships leaves a person isolated from the world in a way that I can’t really explain.

That was an extremely long ramble, some of which didn’t really make all that much sense.(I know, I know, pointless right?). I considered deleting this post and starting again from scratch on a different subject, but then I realized that this is exactly why I made this blog in the first place. So I could share my thoughts and experiences with the world without the judgement of those who actually know me. If you’re still reading(which by the way congratulations), please comment what you think about the whole dating concept especially at a young age. I’d love to discuss it among my fellow bloggers. Thanks for reading, love you all!


Things That Made me Happy This Week!

images5UOFDFWZHello my lovely, beautiful readers! Minutes after my last post aired, a lovely follower emailed me, and we had a very uplifting conversation! she told me to focus on what makes me happy rather than what had upset me! and although this may seem like a very basic piece of advice, it really helped me. Maybe I just needed someone to talk to, but all I know is that I am certainly feeling better already:) So because of my lack of activity this week, I have decided to start a segment called ‘things that made me happy this week’ (as you can tell from the title) It’s pretty self explanatory. whenever I feel down, I will make a post to remind myself of the positive times in my life, and maybe brighten your day a bit too:) okay I’m rambling (sorry about that), lets get to it!

#1 My accomplishments

So many of you may not know this, but last weekend I competed in my very first boxing match, and won! not only that but I also won another trophy for being declared the best fighter of the night, which is a huge accomplishment for me! Another major accomplishment that I have been working on lately is my science fair project which was chosen to attend the regional fair at my cities local university! wish me luck, I promise to post about this as the date approaches:)

#2 My bedroom

My bedroom is a huge reflection of who I am, because I’m many things, and my room definitely captures that. I’m an athlete. My room has countless trophies, metals, plaques, and ribbons, all of which are on display in my room to showcase my hard work and dedication to sports and academics. I am an athlete but that’s not all I am. I’m a country girl. my radio stays on at all times, filling my room with my favorite sound; country music. My room is also filled with photos of friends and family to represent my personal life. I don’t like strong lights so I have lots of fairy lights and night lights that set a cool vibe in my room every night. My room is the most relaxing and comfy place in the whole house and it makes me so happy that I designed and decorated it myself:)

#3 My snowmobile

ppFinally, after six weeks, I had a weekend off from training, and went on a huge snowmobile run! Snowmobiling makes me feel independent. Like its just me and the snow, and nothing can hurt me. I loved every minute of it:)

#4 St. Patricks’ day!

Many of you (okay all of you) don’t know this but I’m Irish! St. Patricks’ day is a huge holiday in my house, so of course I wore all green on Tuesday (even a wig!), and went to school. I had the worst tummy ache ever and was terribly overheated (thanks mother nature). I ended up having to take all my excess green off to cool down, and I was having a pretty bad day. But then our school had an assembly where they had a little leprechaun come in and dance and sing for us! he was so uplifting, he made my entire day so much better! he even came over and sang to me! (I wish I had of kept my green on!)

#5 Daddy Daughter Lunch

images0U4T2JG8I have one jacket that I wear to school every day, and it’s mostly for looks. On Friday, my dad surprised me by picking me up from school and taking me out to sportscheck to let me pick out a brand new winter jacket! A jacket that was warm and cozy and I love it so much:) After that, we stopped at Sobeys to get lunch, and then he drove me back to school. It seems like such a small thing, but it meant a lot to me. I’m such a daddy’s girl I make sure we have lunch together at least once a week, and it makes me really happy when we spend time together one on one. I love our lunch dates:)

#6 Boxing

untitledI try not to talk about my boxing life as much on this blog because I want it to consist of my feelings, more then bore you with a sport I doubt any of you care about. But this week I experienced a turning point. I was sparring (fighting with another member of my club).He is much more experienced than me, as well as older, and bigger. He got me hard with a power shot, and cracked my nose. I couldn’t hit him. I just couldn’t get close enough. I broke down and basically started crying. My coach talked to me, and when he sent me back out I used that frustration, and I had so much more energy. I was all over him. That was the night that I realized what boxing or any sport really, is all about. it’s a mind game. you have to have heart, and me mentally fit. Knowing that made me love the sport even more.:)

#7 This blog

imagesPXGGZB5LAll of the lovely comments I get each day make me happier than any of you could ever imagine. The support I feel when I see that someone has ‘liked’ my post is amazing, and to be honest I have a mini party in my head each time I get a WordPress notification! I love you all so much, and if you have made it this far in my post congratulations!

That’s just a few of the things that have made me happy this week, and after typing this I already feel better! should I make this a regular thing? let me know in the comments below! while you’re here, comment some of the highlights of your week! I’d love to hear about all your wonderful experiences:)Lots of love,xx


Feminism is Overrated!


Hello, fellow bloggers!

Today, as you could probably guess by the title of this post, i will be blogging about feminism. Feminism has without a doubt come to be something different than it used to. Back when women had few rights, i can see that feminists were people believing that everyone should be equal, which is undoubtably true. However, now a days, females have nearly the same rights as men, (at least here in Canada they do). Feminists sole argument in this time frame is that some women do not get payed as much for doing the same job as a man. Is that true? yes! Is that right? No absolutely not, but there are also unfair ‘rules’ for men in todays society. For example, it is socially exceptable for a woman to brutally abuse a man (ie; hit, kick, scratch, claw, punch etc), but if the man hits back, or attempts to defend himself, he is labelled as a ‘Women Abuser’. In my mind this is no where near fair. I myself have been the witness of cruel abuse towards men, and yet no one seems to believe these kind of crimes are actually happening due to the general strong, superior stereotypes directed towards men. No one should be the victim of abuse, but if someone attacks you, i believe self defense is only right regardless of  your gender. Also among social classes, women tend to have less consequences when guilty of the same crime as a man. Women have a lot of unfair benifets in todays society aswell as men. I as a female am not a feminist. Please don’t get me wrong, I support equal rights, where as alot of feminists tend to think higher of the female population. I am very open to other opinions covering this topic, it being so large and may vary upon other parts of the world, So please comment! I’d love to hear what you think! Love you all, xx




Liebster Award!!!



hello again! Whoever may be reading my blog. (thank you by the way, you are greatly appreciated) I know this is only like my third day blogging, but i already feel accepted into this lovely group of people. I feel as if i have claimed a section of the internet (no matter how small it may be), and am free to express myself however i may choose, to people who actually chose to read this ( I think that’s really cool). Anyways, in my few short days on this blog, i have been nominated by  my Teenage Madness for the Liebster award! (Well technically i nominated myself but shush). make sure you all check out her blog, it’s wonderful:) The Liebster award is basically awarded to any blog with less than 3000 followers. I will answer the following questions assined to me, then nominate a few other bloggers and assign them some questions! so let’s get to it, shall we?:)

1) What is your go to beauty product?: This is a tough question because i, personally, tend not to wear makeup. maybe a swipe of mascara on occation, but thats about as glamorous as it gets with me. I think ill go with the classic; mint lip balm (preferably baby liips).

2) What is your favorite quote?: There are so many quotes that i absolutley adore, however one that really inspires me, and nearly everyone can relate to is as followed; ‘When someone tells you “you can’t”, turn around and say “watch me.”‘

3) What is the most worn item of clothing in your wardrobe?: Easy. Lululemon leggings, hands down. they have pockets, enough said.


4) If you had one wish, what would it be?: If i had one wish, i wouldn’t wish for the standard “more wishes” or loads of money. i wouldnt wish for materialistic  objects because they can all be earned without wishing. No i’d wish for something a bit deeper beyond the surface. i’d wish that my family and i lived long, healthy, happy lives. I’d wish to be successful, scratch that, success is earned, not granted. To be honest, im not quite sure what id wish for, but i am sure of this. Whatever the wish may be, it would benefit others rather than solely benefitting myself.

5) What is at the top of your bucket list?: I’d love to travel the world. that would be an unbelievable experience. But that’s what everyone says, i want to be different. before i die i want to run a full marathon (i ran half of one last year), and the adrenaline was incredable.


6) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life (regardless of health) what would it be?: i’m going to be strategic about this and not pick something i would most likely starve off of. ie: chocolate or my favorite food of all thime ORANGES), id most likely pick chicken, just because there are so many ways to cook it so id never get tired of it. (plus i usually have chicken everyday anyways)

7) What is your most used app?: my most used app on my phone is probably snapchat. I love the idea of collecting small videos and pictures from what you do each day, and sharing them with your friends! i also use snapchat occasionally rather than the camera on my phone. i add a filter (the first one is my favourite), and save it to my gallery:)!


8) What is your best piece of advice?: if i were to give anyone a piece of advice, i’d make sure it related to them focusing on themselves. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, don’t worry about what’s ‘cool’. Do what makes you happy, because in the end, thats all that really matters!

okay so step 3; nominate a few other bloggers, notify them, and give your nominees a few questions! I’ll nominate melodramatic Maura and PastelTessa! (sorry i don’t know many bloggers, so if you’re reading this, i nominate YOU:) ) my questions to you are as followed

1) Describe your first kiss using only one word!

2) Would you rather have straight or curly hair?

3) Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

4) What is your most embarrassing experience?

5) What are your goals for the future?

6) Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many?

I look foreward to reading your answers, and if you’ve made it this far in my post, i wont bore you anymore! lots of love,xx
