Fashion favorites!


hello everyone and hello summer!

I don’t know about you, but where I live the past winter was brutal. so you can imagine how excited I was when the snow started melting and the sun started shining. To get in the spirit of summer, I went out and bought a new pair of shorts, and then of course I HAD to get the cute matching shirt. I purchased the shorts at American eagle (bonus; they are super stretchy!), and the shirt at Aeropostale for only $8.00! Anyways, maybe I just have spring fever, but wearing this made me super happy. along with my vans and my sunglasses, this outfit looked cute and trendy, and was super comfy!

I’m really starting to enjoy fashion, the ability to express yourself differently each day simply by what you wear. within the past year I’ve outgrown a lot of my summer clothes, so ill be shopping for some more which really excites me! I’m thinking of starting a segment and making this a regular thing! let me know what you think in the comments below, and even better let me know where you like to shop for summer clothes!

Love you always, AnonymouslyRelatable

Things That Made me Happy This Week!

images5UOFDFWZHello my lovely, beautiful readers! Minutes after my last post aired, a lovely follower emailed me, and we had a very uplifting conversation! she told me to focus on what makes me happy rather than what had upset me! and although this may seem like a very basic piece of advice, it really helped me. Maybe I just needed someone to talk to, but all I know is that I am certainly feeling better already:) So because of my lack of activity this week, I have decided to start a segment called ‘things that made me happy this week’ (as you can tell from the title) It’s pretty self explanatory. whenever I feel down, I will make a post to remind myself of the positive times in my life, and maybe brighten your day a bit too:) okay I’m rambling (sorry about that), lets get to it!

#1 My accomplishments

So many of you may not know this, but last weekend I competed in my very first boxing match, and won! not only that but I also won another trophy for being declared the best fighter of the night, which is a huge accomplishment for me! Another major accomplishment that I have been working on lately is my science fair project which was chosen to attend the regional fair at my cities local university! wish me luck, I promise to post about this as the date approaches:)

#2 My bedroom

My bedroom is a huge reflection of who I am, because I’m many things, and my room definitely captures that. I’m an athlete. My room has countless trophies, metals, plaques, and ribbons, all of which are on display in my room to showcase my hard work and dedication to sports and academics. I am an athlete but that’s not all I am. I’m a country girl. my radio stays on at all times, filling my room with my favorite sound; country music. My room is also filled with photos of friends and family to represent my personal life. I don’t like strong lights so I have lots of fairy lights and night lights that set a cool vibe in my room every night. My room is the most relaxing and comfy place in the whole house and it makes me so happy that I designed and decorated it myself:)

#3 My snowmobile

ppFinally, after six weeks, I had a weekend off from training, and went on a huge snowmobile run! Snowmobiling makes me feel independent. Like its just me and the snow, and nothing can hurt me. I loved every minute of it:)

#4 St. Patricks’ day!

Many of you (okay all of you) don’t know this but I’m Irish! St. Patricks’ day is a huge holiday in my house, so of course I wore all green on Tuesday (even a wig!), and went to school. I had the worst tummy ache ever and was terribly overheated (thanks mother nature). I ended up having to take all my excess green off to cool down, and I was having a pretty bad day. But then our school had an assembly where they had a little leprechaun come in and dance and sing for us! he was so uplifting, he made my entire day so much better! he even came over and sang to me! (I wish I had of kept my green on!)

#5 Daddy Daughter Lunch

images0U4T2JG8I have one jacket that I wear to school every day, and it’s mostly for looks. On Friday, my dad surprised me by picking me up from school and taking me out to sportscheck to let me pick out a brand new winter jacket! A jacket that was warm and cozy and I love it so much:) After that, we stopped at Sobeys to get lunch, and then he drove me back to school. It seems like such a small thing, but it meant a lot to me. I’m such a daddy’s girl I make sure we have lunch together at least once a week, and it makes me really happy when we spend time together one on one. I love our lunch dates:)

#6 Boxing

untitledI try not to talk about my boxing life as much on this blog because I want it to consist of my feelings, more then bore you with a sport I doubt any of you care about. But this week I experienced a turning point. I was sparring (fighting with another member of my club).He is much more experienced than me, as well as older, and bigger. He got me hard with a power shot, and cracked my nose. I couldn’t hit him. I just couldn’t get close enough. I broke down and basically started crying. My coach talked to me, and when he sent me back out I used that frustration, and I had so much more energy. I was all over him. That was the night that I realized what boxing or any sport really, is all about. it’s a mind game. you have to have heart, and me mentally fit. Knowing that made me love the sport even more.:)

#7 This blog

imagesPXGGZB5LAll of the lovely comments I get each day make me happier than any of you could ever imagine. The support I feel when I see that someone has ‘liked’ my post is amazing, and to be honest I have a mini party in my head each time I get a WordPress notification! I love you all so much, and if you have made it this far in my post congratulations!

That’s just a few of the things that have made me happy this week, and after typing this I already feel better! should I make this a regular thing? let me know in the comments below! while you’re here, comment some of the highlights of your week! I’d love to hear about all your wonderful experiences:)Lots of love,xx


Digital Detox

imageHave you ever thought about maybe putting down your electronics (and no, not just for dinner with grandma) , and actually being observant and interacting in the real world? (I know it sounds crazy, right?) It recently occured to me that although my schedule is extremely busy, I somehow always spare some time to browse my online profiles. After a long day why would I prioritize my online status before spending time with my family? We have countless friends on Facebook, many of which I am almost certian I will never talk to. So many friends online we block out those who are sitting in the same room as us. Facebook isn’t a social network, it’s an anti social network. The advance in technology among the past decade has not only maken our lives easier, but has also torn us apart. There are so many IPhones, IPads, selfies. The technology has taken a self centred turn, and it’s gone way to far. What do you all think about an digital detox? about turning the ‘Do not disturbe’ feature on and setting down your phone. Whether it be for a day or a week is up to you. But think about the real life oppurtunities and conversations we miss out on every day due to our electronics! Relationships suffer daily from these little devices imagethat are beginning to take over our lives! Try an alternative to texting. A hand written letter is probably one of the coolest things ever. I mean how thoughtful would that be if someone hand wrote you a letter and took the time to mail it to you?! It’s all about the thought and effort guys! Now I’m not saying that I am perfect with thisperfect with this, (I’m far from it) but atleast I realize I have a problem! I’m not on my phone as much as the average teen but I know I could use a week without all of the stress and drama that social media tends to cause. So let me know, maybe we could all log off right now and come back a week from now sharing our experiences! Sorry about this repetitive rant type post, I promise I have brighter ideas to share with you guys! Comment what you think,xx


Feminism is Overrated!


Hello, fellow bloggers!

Today, as you could probably guess by the title of this post, i will be blogging about feminism. Feminism has without a doubt come to be something different than it used to. Back when women had few rights, i can see that feminists were people believing that everyone should be equal, which is undoubtably true. However, now a days, females have nearly the same rights as men, (at least here in Canada they do). Feminists sole argument in this time frame is that some women do not get payed as much for doing the same job as a man. Is that true? yes! Is that right? No absolutely not, but there are also unfair ‘rules’ for men in todays society. For example, it is socially exceptable for a woman to brutally abuse a man (ie; hit, kick, scratch, claw, punch etc), but if the man hits back, or attempts to defend himself, he is labelled as a ‘Women Abuser’. In my mind this is no where near fair. I myself have been the witness of cruel abuse towards men, and yet no one seems to believe these kind of crimes are actually happening due to the general strong, superior stereotypes directed towards men. No one should be the victim of abuse, but if someone attacks you, i believe self defense is only right regardless of  your gender. Also among social classes, women tend to have less consequences when guilty of the same crime as a man. Women have a lot of unfair benifets in todays society aswell as men. I as a female am not a feminist. Please don’t get me wrong, I support equal rights, where as alot of feminists tend to think higher of the female population. I am very open to other opinions covering this topic, it being so large and may vary upon other parts of the world, So please comment! I’d love to hear what you think! Love you all, xx




Insecurities and How Society Masks Them

imageSociety is a strong word. We are society, but still we choose to blame nearly everything on it, Which in a way is fair. We as a whole are the cause of our own problems. for examle, insecurities. Insecurities, quirks, flaws, whatever you may call them are what make us unique. They are beautiful in the sense that no one else has that exact structure or feature. You are exotic, original, divergent. In todays nation, flaws aren’t nearly as appreciatted as they should be. Companies create pills, cremes, lotions, and other substances all for the sole purpose of hiding or removing your imperfections. Teenage girls around the world see ads for theese products and immedietly begin to point out their flaws. Buisnesses know exactly what to say, and the flawless (not to meantion completley unrealistic) girl to showcase, in order to establish insecurities, and sell their products. What these buisnesses aren’t telling girls worldwide is that they are astonishing, ravishing, and gorgeous, and that they do not need to mask there beauty with any sort of product. I understand that some of these products are meant to boost confidence in women accross the world, but if this is the case, shouldn’t makeup highlight each girls individualities rather than concealing them? We were all created to be unique, not lookalike barbie dolls! i was inspired the other day, and immedietly decided to write this post, although its taken me a while to compose it and decide exactly what i wanted to say. I’d love to hear other points of view on this subject, so please do comment! You’re all gorgeous, xx



Special Request Sunday!


Hearing all the lovely comments you beautiful people have left me on my other posts, I decided to ask for some recommendations on what you fellow bloggers would like to read about! comment topics or ideas and I’ll make a ‘special request Sunday’ post each week that I receive suggestions, discussing a subject of YOUR choice as well as answering any questions you may have. I solemnly swear to answer your questions to the best of my ability no matter how embarrassing they may be! I’d love to get to know you all better and possibly give some advice:) xx



Good morning lovelys! or Good evening, depending on where you are in the world. im in canada so its morning:) (and no we don’t all have pet polar bears!) Leave me a comment about where you’re from and what time of day it is there!

So today i thought i’d talk about a touchy subject; virginity. i usually don’t talk about this kind of stuff with anyone, so i think it would be cool to get some feedback:)… so a lot of my friends, and acquaintances have been talking about losing there virginity, or coming close to it. it seems as if its a contest, everyone wants to be the one to go the furthest. i don’t understand it. personally, i feel a bit awkward and tend to leave during these converstations, because i have kissed a boy, and i don;t have any intention of doing more any time soon. i come from a catholic family, and i belive that your fist time should be eith your husband/wife, if not someone that you truely are in love with. Now i’m not here to push my religion onto you, i’d just like to hear your thoughts about this. I feel as if i’m drifting away from friends because i haven’t done it, but friendship can’t be based completly on something such as weather or not you have had sexual encounters, can it? i desperately want to stay tight with my friends, but i can’t choose between respecting my own choices along with my body, and keeping my friendships with the people that i care about the most. Let me know what you think about virginity in the comments below because i could really use some advice:). if you have ever felt like this i’d love to hear about it! Love you all xx
